The Licton Springs P-Patch started as a student-driven initiative at North Seattle College. The approval process took several years and has largely been driven by the facilitation of the North Seattle College Sustainability Committee. The project has transitioned to its final community-based form although many North Seattle College students, teachers and employees participate in the garden.
March Garden Planning Team meeting: Wednesday 3/4/20 6 PM - 7 PM
Welcome back and planning for the gardener gathering, all are welcome!
OCE Bldg., Room 142 at North Seattle College
2020 Gardener Gathering:
Saturday 3/14/2020 12 PM - 2 PM
All gardeners are required to attend - this annual event is also a Potluck.
OCE Bldg., Room 142 at North Seattle College

Licton Springs
Community Council

These articles were originally published in the North Seattle Community College's student-powered newspaper 'Polaris'.


Have questions? This is the first place to visit. Learn all about how P-Patches wprl, fees, rules, and how to sign up for a patch. There is a great FAQ that can help with any questions.
As the largest municipally-managed community gardening program outside of New York City, the P-Patch Community Gardening Program manages 81 gardens with 2650 plots and serves 6100 gardeners across the city. The P-Patch gardens serve as neighborhood gathering places that strengthen networks through cooperative ventures; provide a source of pride among residents; are a visible product of land stewardship and create a healthier urban environment, in addition to providing fresh organic food for gardeners and local food banks.
For the past 39 years, P-Patch community gardeners have been growing community, nurturing civic engagement, practicing organic gardening techniques, fostering an environmental ethic and connecting nature to peoples’ lives, improving access to local, organic, and culturally appropriate food, transforming the appearance and revitalizing the spirit of their neighborhoods, developing self-reliance and improving nutrition through education and hands-on experience, feeding the hungry and preserving heirloom flowers, herbs, and vegetables.